Marrowbone Town is as Ancient and Orphic as the Memory is Intimate with Secrets…

  Marrowbone town is as ancient and orphic as the memory is intimate with secrets. Light is the same at Marrowbone in the morning as it is at dusk, when the sun and star shine, upon silver fog, reach the eyes. One will find many treasures and visions among the souls of townsfolk here. You… Continue reading Marrowbone Town is as Ancient and Orphic as the Memory is Intimate with Secrets…

A Journey after the Storm, Mimosa by the Forest and the Broken Window House

  After the storm water drops, cool upon my hair, like tears from leaves, from the forest. A gentle symphony sounds… of falling drops cascading from different heights, cicada buzzing and a hidden owl, watching. The scent of rain, I will remember, like I remembered when I was a child… A fresh sweetness from the new damp, electrically… Continue reading A Journey after the Storm, Mimosa by the Forest and the Broken Window House